Business card printing is classified according to typesetting:
That is, different styles of business cards can be made due to the different layout of the business cards. Business card paper can be divided into ordinary business cards and folding business cards because of whether it can be folded. Ordinary business cards can also be divided into horizontal business cards and vertical business cards due to the different bottom surfaces of the printing reference.
1. Horizontal business card: the wide side is low and the narrow side is high. Horizontal business cards have become the most commonly used business card printing method because of their convenient design and cheap layout.
2. Vertical business card: use a business card with the narrow side as low and the wide side as high. Vertical business cards are suitable for personalized business card design due to their complicated layout and few design materials for reference.
3. Folding card business cards: foldable business cards, half of the information recording area than normal business cards. Folding card business cards are rarely used in business cards because of their peculiar layout and difficult production.